Suzie Harvey
Elections Administrator/Voter Registrar

9159 Airport Road, Conroe, Texas 77303
(936) 539-7843

Registered Voters as of 3/24/2025 : 452,089
Required Identification
for Voting in Person
photo id
Volunteer Deputy Registrar
Volunteer Deputy Registrar Training
(936) 539-7843
Montgomery County’s Volunteer Deputy Registrar training program utilizes the materials developed by the Secretary of State. Potential volunteer deputy registrars complete the training online, and the County is not required to conduct training in person. Once you complete the training, you will:

1- Call the Montgomery County Elections Administration office at
(936) 539-7843 to make an appointment to complete a required examination of the online training. A potential volunteer deputy registrar is required to answer 90% (18 of 20) of the examination questions correctly to successfully complete the application.

2- Complete paperwork and be given county-specific instructions and materials to successfully register a voter.
3- Receive a Certificate of Appointment for Volunteer Deputy Registrar.

A volunteer deputy registrar may not receive another person's application until he or she has completed the mandatory training and received the certificate of appointment.

Are you currently appointed as a
Volunteer Deputy Registrar in another county?
Please call our office for information to
become appointed in Montgomery County.
Volunteer Deputy Registrar Program
Volunteer Deputy Registrars are entrusted with the responsibility of officially registering voters in the State of Texas. Appointments are made on a county-by-county basis only, not statewide. The acceptance of duties of a volunteer deputy registrar places you in a position of trust and responsibility to the citizens you will register to vote.

I understand that if I have been terminated as a volunteer deputy registrar because of a final conviction under Section 13.008 of the Texas Election Code (prohibition against performance-based compensation for registering voters) or Section 13.043 of the Texas Election Code (failure to deliver a voter registration application), I may not be reappointed as a Volunteer Deputy Registrar.
Qualifications to be a Volunteer Deputy Registrar
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Volunteer Deputy for High Schools
The principal of a high school is a high school deputy voter registrar and has the duty to register eligible high school students in accordance with section 13.046 of the Texas Election Code.
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