Suzie Harvey
Elections Administrator/Voter Registrar

9159 Airport Road, Conroe, Texas 77303
(936) 539-7843

Registered Voters as of 3/24/2025 : 452,089
Required Identification
for Voting in Person
photo id
Voter Registration - Frequently Asked Questions

The telephone number for the Montgomery County Elections Administrator's Office is
   (Main 936-539-7843 or 936-538-8043),
   (Metro 936-442-7700),
   (Cleveland 281-689-3133),
   (East County 281-354-5511).
We are located at 9159 Airport Road, Conroe, TX 77303.
Click Here for a map and driving directions to our location
Our mailing address is
Montgomery County Elections, P.O. Box 2646, Conroe, Texas 77305-2646.
Our email address is [email protected], and our website is Our fax number is (936) 538-8143.


To be eligible to register to vote in Montgomery County, Texas, you must:
     • be a United States citizen;
     • be a resident of Montgomery County;
     • be 18 years old (you may register at 17 years and 10 months of age);
     • not be a convicted felon (unless your sentence is completed, including any probation or parole);
     • not be declared mentally incapacitated by a final judgment of a court.


Voter Registration Applications are available at our office and also many libraries, post offices, Texas Department of Public Safety offices and Texas Department of Human Services. Additionally, you may obtain an application by calling us at (936) 539-7843 or click here to get an application online.


You may register to vote any time; however, your application must be submitted 30 days before an election for you to be eligible to vote in that election.
Complete a postage-free post card application and mail it, or take it in person to the Montgomery County Elections office.
You may fax your application but the application must also be mailed and must be received by the fourth business day after the fax is received for it to be effective.
You must be at least 17 years and ten months of age on the date your application is submitted.
If any of the information on the application is incomplete, you will be notified and required to send a second application. The second application must be received by the Montgomery County Election Administrator within 10 days.


You will receive a Voter Registration Certificate within 30 days. Check your certificate to make sure all information is correct. If there is a mistake, immediately make corrections and return the certificate to the registrar. You will receive a new color-coded certificate in December of each odd-numbered year.


Promptly notify the Montgomery County Elections Administrator in writing of your new address by:
     1. correcting the information on your current voter registration certificate and returning it to the voter registrar; or
     2. completing a voter registration application and check the box for "change"; or
     3. making voter registration address changes when you update your driver's license at DPS.
You will receive a new, corrected certificate.
You will be able to vote in your new precinct 30 days after your notice has been received.
You must notify the Montgomery County Elections Administrator of your change of address as soon as possible.
Meanwhile: You may vote in your former precinct if your registration has not become effective in your new precinct.
You will be required to complete a Statement of Residence form before voting.


You must re-register. Complete an application and mail it or take it in person to the voter registrar of your new county.
You will be registered 30 days after your application is submitted.
You will receive a new certificate.
You may be eligible to vote a limited ballot in your new county of residence after moving if:
     1. you were qualified to vote in your former county at the time you moved; and
      2. your registration in the new county is not yet effective.
If you vote a limited ballot, you may vote on all statewide offices and propositions and for all district offices which are common to your new and former counties of residence.
To vote a limited ballot, you must apply and vote by personal appearance with the early voting clerk conducting the election in your new county during the early voting period, which generally begins on the 17th day and ends on the 4th day before an election, or by mail if you are eligible to vote by mail.


You may continue to vote. Promptly notify the Elections Administrator in writing of the name change following the same steps for change of address. You will receive a new, corrected certificate within 30 days.


Pursuant to Sec. 13.146(b) of the Election Code, the term "suspense" is used to designate those voters for whom the Montgomery County Elections Administrator does not have a current address. A voter with this designation will be removed from the suspense list once that person has advised the Montgomery County Elections Administrator of his or her current address. Updating the address is important, not only so that our records will be accurate, but also so that the voter is voting in the elections where he or she resides.


Notify the Elections Administrator's office in writing, and a replacement certificate will be issued to you. You may vote without your certificate.


Use the Check your Voter Registration Status tool on our Website for links to your elected officials.


For each election go to for early voting and election day polling locations, maps, sample ballots, etc. You may also call the Elections Administrator's office at (936) 539-7843.


You may apply for a ballot by mail if you:
     1. will be away from Montgomery County on Election Day and during early voting;
     2. are disabled;
     3. are 65 years of age or older on Election Day; or
     4. are confined in jail.
For more information or to download an Application for Ballot by Mail, go to, or you may call the Elections Administrator's office at (936) 539-7843 for an application. For specific information about special voting procedures available for members of the military and U.S. citizens overseas, go to:


Early voting is really convenience voting. Any Montgomery County registered voter may vote at any early voting location in Montgomery County. See Montgomery County Elections for early voting locations and times.


Either - whichever you consider your permanent residence. If you are registered in your hometown and will not be in that county on Election Day and during early voting, you may request an Application for Ballot by Mail.


All polling locations are accessible. Our eSlate voting system is fully accessible and has an audio feature which allows any voter to listen to the ballot.

You are eligible to receive voting assistance if you cannot read or write, or have a physical disability that prevents you from reading or marking the ballot.

Tell the election official that you need help to vote. You do not have to provide proof of your disability.
You may be assisted by:
     •  any person of your choice; or
     •  one election worker during early voting; or
     •  two election workers on Election Day;

You may NOT be assisted by:
     • your employer;
     • an agent of your employer; or
     • an officer or agent of your union.

The person assisting you must read the entire ballot to you, unless you ask to have only parts of the ballot read.
The person assisting you must take an oath that he or she will not try to influence your vote and will mark your ballot as you direct.
If you choose to be assisted by polling place officials, a poll watcher and/or state election inspector present in the polling place may observe the voting process to be sure that the ballot has been marked as you wanted. If you ask to be assisted by a person of your choosing, no one else may watch you vote.

It is illegal for a person assisting you to:
     • mark your ballot in a way other than the way you direct; or
     • tell anyone how you voted; or
     • try to influence your vote;

Interpreters at the polls
If you cannot speak English, or if you communicate only with sign language, you may use an interpreter to help you communicate with election officials. You may select any person of your choice to be your interpreter. If you cannot read the ballot, your interpreter may translate the ballot for you in the voting booth, after taking the Interpreter's Oath.

Curbside voting
If you are unable to physically enter the polling place, you may ask that an election officer bring an eSlate (electronic voting device) to you at the entrance to the polling place or to a car at curbside. After you vote on the eSlate, give it to the election officer, who will re-connect it to the Judge's Booth Controller, and your vote will be counted.

TIP: If you plan to go alone to vote curbside, it is wise to call ahead so election officials will expect you.

If you would like to receive current election notices and information
or for comments or questions, please Email us.